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Have Less Budget? Visit Free Destination Vacation in Malang Indonesia

In improving its tourism, Malang already make improvements of some aspects. Public area is one of the focuses which can make the citizen comfortable. If you visit Malang, you will see that the environment is clear and mild. These what make most of people who stay in this city feel at home. It’s not only for people with high budget but also for those with less money. There are free destination vacation in Malang Indonesia. Do not be discouraged if you can’t visit popular tourist attraction in Malang like Jawa Timur Park. You still can enjoy your days in Malang in different way.

Slamet Park

There are actually many parks that can be destination vacation in Malang Indonesia. Trunojoyo Park and Idjen Boulevard Park are the most popular. If you want to get different experience, Slamet Park is good to visit. It carries a hidden paradise theme that you can see from its atmosphere like in a nature because you still can hear the birds chirping. Different with other parks which are located in the main road, you need to go to residential neighborhood in the area of Gading Kasri Village. There are some unique attractions that you can find such as Stand Photo booth, Hallway 6 mountains, white box-shaped hallway, and other.

Tugu Town Squre

Even though it’s only a Town Square, but visiting Tugu Town Square when you plan a vacation in Malang Indonesia is a must. Tugu which means monument is the icon that makes this park called that way. Because of its round shape, we will see that this Square is in a circular garden area. Green grass and beautiful variety of flowers are also becomes attraction for this square.

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Address: Tugu Street, Kiduldalem, Klojen, Malang.

Malang Town Square

The second alternative of free destination vacation in Malang is Malang Town Square. It’s not the mall named Malang Town Square but it’s the real Town Square. It’s also a must to visit with your family. In the past, this square not that interesting to be the place to visit. But since it renovated, it becomes a favorite place for its citizen. You will find super cool fountain, views with hanging umbrellas, and the existence of doves.

Address: Merdeka Selatan Street, Kiduldalem, Klojen.

City Forest Malabar

There is still one more recommendation of public facility that can be your free destination vacation in Malang namely City Forest Malabar. You don’t need to go far anymore to feel the sensation in forest. Since the introduction of reforestation, communities and college students began to encourage to plant tree in this forest. Besides relaxing yourself in this place, you also can learn about the vegetation in this City Forest Malabar.

Address: Malabar Street, Oro-oro Dowo, Klojen, Malang.

Colorful Village Jodipan

The last recommendation of destination vacation in Malang Indonesia is Colorful Village Jodipan. It’s very famous tourism in Malang until these days. This  iconic village is filled with colorful buildings on the hill, art & souvenir shop. It’s actually not 100% to enter this place. But the entrance ticket is very cheap. With very less budget, you can explore every colorful side in Jodipan.

Address: Alley 1 Jodipan, Kesatrian, Blimbing.