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Graphic Design

Graphic Design

The web has become a part and parcel of their day to day activities, and websites offering similar services have increased manifold. This has forced web authors to apply competitive strategies in order to attract clients to their sites. Web technology has also progressed over the years, arming web designers with an arsenal of choices.

Web design is usually audience specific. Detailed analysis is done as to what kind of audience the webmaster wants to attract. It varies according to the product being sold through a site, or the message being passed. There are a few essential guidelines that must be followed for creating most websites in general. The page must be properly tabulated with the extensive use of tables, frames, iframes and div tags. Fonts should be used keeping in view of the ambiance and aesthetic aspect of the site. Random font sizes and colourings should be avoided. Change in size and weight must be used carefully to emphasize key points or topics that the webmaster wants the viewer to see.

Users look for interactive nature in a website, just as they expect it from the company to which the website belongs. There is a gallery of new design technologies to choose from in order to make the website look attractive and interactive. Flash is excellent software that can allow rigorous user interaction and magnificent animations. JavaScript and CSS are a primary requirement in any decent website, since they greatly add to the customisability of the look and feel of the site. Deprecated HTML tags must be replaced by XML and CSS to support new browsers and stay ahead in the long run.

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These are a few general guidelines that increase the appeal of a website. The major work though, is content-specific, and is only limited by imagination and creativity of the designer. If you follow guidelines you will be at least 80% more certain you will succeed.