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Activities to Do when You Plan a Traveling Batu Malang

As its logo “Shining Batu”, this tourism city offers its uniqueness. If you only know that this city has a chilling temperature, you should explore it more. There are many attractions from the popular tourist attraction destination until the hidden places that haven’t been visited yet. If you want to visit this city, you can learn some activities to do when you plan a traveling Batu Malang. It can help you to enjoy your day more and create memorable moment. So, what are the activities you should do when you travel to Batu city? You can look at them below.

Visit the Landmarks

Visiting landmarks is the first activity you can do when you step your foot in Shining Batu. The most famous and visited landmark is Batu City Square. It’s very  incomplete if we don’t visit its City Square which is located in the center of the city. You will find giant Ferris Wheel, toilet in the shape of giant apple, and water fountain. There are also food stands that make you confused to buy. Besides, there are other landmarks you can visit such as Angkut Museum or Transport Museum.

Enjoy Apple Tourism

Besides popular with chilling temperature, it has apple as attraction. You can enjoy apple tourism which become next activity to do for traveling Batu Malang. For those who want to get different atmosphere in eating apple, try this apple picking tour. You can harvest apple as many as you want and eat the apples at the same time. If you are interested, you can visit Kusuma Agrowisata which is located in Abdul Gani Atas Street, Batu City.

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Buy Famous Brand Milk

There is still a must activity to do for traveling Batu Malang which is buy famous brand milk. It may sounds funny but it’s recommended to buy milk in Batu. The most famous brand namely Ganesha. If you are visiting Batu City Square, you can buy milk in Ganesa Milk House. There are many choices of flavors in big or small bottle and yogurt. Even, you also can order the hot one.

Try Extreme Sport

The next activity to do for traveling Batu Malang is try adrenaline sports. As we know that Batu is located in the highlands. It has many attractions such as extreme sports. If you want to boost adrenaline, you can visit Paralayang or paragliding in Mount Banyak. For those who want to see the beautiful view of Batu city as well as boosting adrenaline, you can try it.

Watch Sunrise and Sunset

The last activity to do for traveling Batu Malang is watch sunrise and sunset. There are some tourism destinations that you can visit to watch sunrise or sunset. Mount Bromo is the most chosen place for local and international tourists. You can plan your travelling with your loved ones or family.