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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The Windows App Certification Kit contains a number of tests that help ensure your app is ready to be published to the Microsoft Store. The tests are listed below with their criteria, details, and suggested actions in the case of failure. We expect apps to be fully functional without the use of Windows compatibility modes, AppHelp messages, or compatibility fixes.

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For ActivateApplication to launch an app, User Account Control UAC must be enabled and the screen resolution must be at least x or x If either condition is not met, your app will fail this test. If your app fails to launch and your test platform satisfies the prerequisites of ActivateApplicationyou can troubleshoot the problem by reviewing the activation event log.

To find these entries in the event log:. Troubleshoot the file with the problem, identify and fix the problem. Rebuild and re-test the app. You can also check if a dump file was generated in the Windows App Certification Kit log folder that can be used to debug your app. Checks that the Windows app can run on a patcch version of the OS. This test has historically been windows app certification kit x64 patch download applied to the Desktop app workflow, but this is now enabled for the Store and Universal Windows Platform UWP workflows.

Operating system version info has restricted usage for the Windows app certification kit x64 patch download Store. This has often been incorrectly used by apps to check OS version so that the certifkcation can provide users with functionality that is specific to an OS version. If the app crashes, it will fail this test. Apps should use Version API helper functions to check this.

See Operating System Version for more information. This verifies that the app has a cancellation handler for declared background tasks. There needs ссылка be a dedicated function that will be called when the task is cancelled. This test is applied only for deployed apps.

Store apps can register a process that runs in the background. For example, an email app may ping a server from time to time. However, if the OS needs these resources, it will cancel the background task, and apps should gracefully handle this cancellation. S64 that don’t have a cancellation handler may crash or not close when the user tries to close the app. The app is launched, suspended and the non-background ссылка на страницу of the app is terminated.

Then the background tasks associated with this app are cancelled. The state of the app is checked, and if the app is still running then certufication will fail this test. Add the cancellation handler to your app. For more information see Support your app with background tasks. This verifies that an app package.

This was changed in the kit to be a standalone test. For Windows Phone 8. For Windows 10 apps the test verifies that the revision number in the version of the bundle is set to 0. Examines the app manifest to verify the contents are correct as described in the App package requirements. Your app can declare the file extensions that it wants to associate with. Used improperly, an app can declare a large number of file extensions, most of which it may not even use, resulting in a bad user experience.

This test will add a check to limit the number of file extensions that an app can associate with. This test enforces the requirement that certificwtion take appropriate dependencies on the UWP. If there is an inappropriate dependency, this test will fail. If there is a mismatch between the OS version the app applies to and the framework dependencies made, the test will fail. The test would also fail if the app refers to any preview versions of the framework dlls.

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This test enforces the requirement that UWP apps do not communicate outside of the app container to Desktop components. Inter-process communication is intended for side-loaded apps only.

Review oatch app’s manifest against the requirements described in the App package requirements. Tests the app’s security by running the BinScope Binary Analyzer. The BinScope Binary Analyzer tests examine the app’s binary files to check for coding and building practices that make the app less vulnerable windows app certification kit x64 patch download attack or to being used as an attack vector.

The BinScope Binary Analyzer tests check for the correct use of the following security-related features. When you apply the APTCA xx64 to an assembly, partially trusted callers can access that assembly for the life of the assembly, which can compromise security. Don’t use the APTCA attribute on strong named certificatioh unless your project requires it and the risks are well understood. In cases where it’s required, make sure that all APIs are protected with appropriate mit access security demands.

An exception handler runs when the winodws encounters an exceptional condition, such as a divide-by-zero error. Because the address of the exception handler kot stored on the stack when a function is called, it could be vulnerable to a buffer overflow attacker if some malicious software were to overwrite the stack.

This option is on by default in the Release configurations of Visual Studio. Verify this option is enabled in the build instructions for all executable modules in your app. The test is not performed on bit binaries or Windows app certification kit x64 patch download chipset binaries because they don’t store exception handler addresses on the stack.

Address Space Layout Windows app certification kit x64 patch download ASLR loads executable images into unpredictable locations gta mumbai game full version pc softonic memory, which makes it harder for malicious x6 that expects a program to be loaded at a certain virtual address to operate predictably.

Alp app and all components that your app uses must support ASLR. Verify that all modules that your app uses also use this linker option. Normally, ASLR doesn’t affect performance. But in some scenarios there is a slight performance improvement on bit systems.

It is possible that performance could degrade in a highly congested system that have many images loaded in many different memory locations. Binary files with writable sections that are marked as shared are a security threat. Don’t build apps with shared writable sections unless necessary. Download 2 full version pc any shared sections from the app and create shared memory objects by calling CreateFileMapping or MapViewOfFile with the proper security attributes and then rebuild your app.

The AppContainerCheck verifies that the appcontainer bit in the portable executable PE header of an executable binary is set.

Apps must have the appcontainer адрес страницы set on all. If a managed executable fails the test, make sure that you used the latest compiler and linker, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, to build the UWP app. A portable executable PE image fails this test if its import windows app certification kit x64 patch download has been placed in an executable code section.

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This can occur if you enabled. Don’t merge the import table into an executable code section. The check helps to ensure that a binary does not have any pages that are mapped certificatkon writable and executable. Disabling Edit and Continue will cause the invalid section to not be present.

Private code signing files should be kept private as they may be used for malicious purposes in the event they are compromised.

Tests for files within the app package windows app certification kit x64 patch download have an extension of. This test also identifies situations where a managed binary takes a dependency on a function outside of the approved profile. Windows app certification kit x64 patch download app must respond quickly to user interaction and system commands in order to present a fast and fluid user experience.

The characteristics of the computer on which the test is performed can influence the test results. As a performance optimization to accelerate JavaScript execution time, JavaScript files ending in the. This significantly improves startup and ongoing execution times for JavaScript operations. When using bindings, WinJS. The badge logo is an image that appears next to the badge notification to identify the app download win8 the lock screen.

This image must be monochromatic it can contain only white and transparent pixels. The pixel must be 2A2A2A or darker, or transparent Because the badge certifiication appears on windows app certification kit x64 patch download white background when in high-contrast white, it must be a dark version of the normal badge logo.

In high-contrast white, the badge logo can only contain pixels that are darker than 2A2A2A or transparent. The image must define at least one variant without a TargetSize qualifier.

It must define a Scale qualifier or leave Scale and TargetSize unspecified, which defaults to Scale If you have localizable content in your windows app certification kit x64 patch download manifest, make sure that your app’s package includes a valid resources. The “resources.

You can get this error if the manifest changed and the name of жмите resource map in resources. To fix this, you need to rebuild resources.

The default value of AutoMerge is off. When enabled, AutoMerge merges an app’s language pack resources into a single привожу ссылку. We don’t recommend this for apps that you intend to distribute through the Microsoft Store. The resources.

Refer to the App package requirements. The schema for the elements in the app manifest don’t allow leading or trailing white space characters. Make sure that none of the localized windows app certification kit x64 patch download of the manifest fields in по ссылке.


Windows App Certification Kit – UWP applications | Microsoft Learn

The Windows App Certification Kit contains a number of tests that help ensure your app is ready to be published to the Microsoft Store. Windows App Certification Kit – Test Results App Architecture: x Kit Version: OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home ().