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Не знаете, как его зовут. Клушар на мгновение задумался и покачал головой: – Понятия не имею.  – Он поморщился от боли и откинулся на подушки. Fir вздохнул. Кольцо словно исчезло у него из-под носа.


– GTA 3 PC Game Setup Free Download 2002 Overview

 Подумайте, – продолжал настаивать Беккер.  – Очень важно, чтобы досье консульства было как можно более полным. Мне нужно подтвердить ваш рассказ заявлениями других свидетелей. Необходима любая информация, которая поможет мне их разыскать. Но Клушар не слушал. Он вытирал лоб простыней. – Простите… может быть, завтра… – Его явно мутило.




The adventure game is based on true-life gang wars , crimes, and corruption in New York City. Players take on various missions spread throughout the game to be able to progress the story. You will take on the role of Claude, a man seeking vengeance on his ex-girlfriend in the fictitious Liberty City, only to become entangled in the criminal underworld.

The open-world layout of the game lets you freely roam Liberty City’s three islands, and the third-person point of view allows you to better examine your surroundings.

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Certain missions need you to wait for further instructions, updates, or certain conditions to be met first. As such, you might yourself taking on multiple missions at the same time. You may also complete side quests or explore the game’s sandbox world to unlock more locations and interact with more characters. Your character, Claude, is totally mobile, which means he may walk, run, leap, drive, and fight at any point in the game.

In the game, you and a member of a rival gang or a civilian may engage in a fight on the spot and without the need for any reason. Using the auto-aim setting increases your chances of survival when shooting with weapons. Wearing body armor and employing health pick-ups are two more ways to protect yourself from harm.

They can absorb bullets, inflict damage, and refill your health. You’ll be informed how many more blows you can absorb before the game declares you dead or ” wasted. Once you’ve been knocked unconscious, the game will restart with you standing in front of the local hospital as your default spawn point. Regardless of your status and occupation in the game, you’ll have to pay for some things in it.

Hospitalization, weapons, and food are all part of the package. By committing crimes, you will gain in-game money. The catch is that if you are caught in the act of a crime, the police will pursue and will try to capture you. There is a wanted meter in the head-up display. This indicates how much you are desired right now.

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Assume you achieve the greatest level of desire, which is six stars. The higher your wanted meter goes, the more that law enforcement officers will be vigilant in their efforts to arrest you. Despite the three-dimensional visuals , Grand Theft Auto III is a lightweight game that can be installed on a desktop or laptop computer.

It is not heavy on system resources and can run well even on modest PC hardware. It is backward compatible with the vast majority of modern PCs. The foundations of the game are equally simple to grasp, with assignments spread throughout the game. Completing side quests and committing petty crimes are two more ways to enjoy the game’s open-world setting.

These will increase your in-game currency , allowing you to purchase more equipment and weaponry. Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws. Softonic may receive a referral fee if you click or buy any of the products featured here. In Softonic we scan all the files hosted on our platform to assess and avoid any potential harm for your device.

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