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Red faction pc game download free

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The situation erupts and Parker, guided by a sympathetic Ultor security tech, must join up with the enigmatic Eos, leader of the rebellion, to help put a stop to the corrupt mining company’s ways. Despite the hype over Red Faction’s sci-fi story and setting, there are several holes in the storyline. Parker is a college boy turned miner, so where did he learn to use the 15 odd weapons so well? The miners on Mars apply for work, but never return home. Don’t families and governments get suspicious?

The veneer wears thin when one thinks about it, but, for a FPS, it is sufficient. Just don’t expect any role-playing or character building — this one is strictly a shooter. Several elements from Red Faction are based on the wildly successful Half-Life, and what better game to try and emulate?

The two games incorporate conventional weapons such as explosive satchels, automatic rifles, and pistols. Both titles also feature several underwater levels populated with killer fish and the like. That said, the miners in Red Faction are mostly dog meat, serving as fodder for morbid in-game cut scenes and little more than reminders of Ultor’s cruelty.

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It would have been nice to have a bud with a gun covering your six early on, or an all-out gun battle in the mines with several miners facing off against guards, with Parker in the middle. For all the rhetoric about miner’s uniting, though, Parker spends almost all of the game alone.

Red Faction features polished console graphics that transfer nicely to the PC. The mines are claustrophobic and badly lit, and one gets the impression of actually creeping down shafts. Special effects are, for the most part, refined, and what little lighting is to be found is excellent.

Water effects are no more than average, but definitely not terrible. Volition, Inc. The most impressive aspect, however, is the innovative Geo-Mod technology, which gives you the ability to realistically blast most walls into rubble or tunnel through them with machinery.

It is a subtle touch that opens several possibilities for mod designers using the engine. Sounds are well done. Guns bark with authority and explosions rip through caverns convincingly. Even the tech nerds shriek satisfyingly when a gun is pointed at them. All of the ambient sounds, coupled with a solid music soundtrack, make the audio package very complete.

The action in Red Faction is probably the most disappointing aspect, as it’s too familiar to fans of the genre. Although the single player game is woefully short, shooting countless guards gets old fast.

The guards, while smarter than usual, provide little variation in targets for Parker. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art.

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[Red faction pc game download free

Subject: I got the game working by launching Dash Faction. I played it. GG. 3, Views. 17 Favorites. 1 Review. Red Faction DRM-Free Download – PC Game – Full GOG Version. Title: Red Faction Genre: Shooter – FPP – Sci-fi. Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11).