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Jboss 6.1 download for windows. Configuring JBOSS 6 EAP as a Windows Service for use with EngageOne Server


I downloaded and installed EAP 6. Do you have a link where it mentions the service. As for the original question, here’s a bugzilla discussion which has a service. Thank you for letting us know about that. Please try accessing that bugzilla now, it should be viewable without an account. I hope you find them helpful. Note that they only work for the standalone server at the moment, you’d need to make some changes to the batch files for a domain service.

It may be that there are better ways to do this, but this approach works for me. Most of what follows is lifted from this bug, which seems to cover most of the same ground as the one Jaikiran mentioned, although I’ve added a couple of further customisation options. In order to run JBoss as a Windows service you need components from the Apache Commons Daemon project combined with a couple of batch files.

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You need a copy of the main procrun jar file, and a binary file called prunsrv. You get this by following the Native Binaries link on the page above.

You just need to pick either a 32bit or 64bit version, to match the machine you are running on. There is technically a third option for Intel Itanium, but most people will be able to ignore that.

The Bugzilla that I mentioned above uses a patched version of the procrun jar. However I discovered that the patch in question has actually been applied to the later versions of procrun. I am running with the standard version 1. In addition to the procrun jar and the prunsrv.

There is service. I took these from the bug I mentioned, but I’m attaching my custom variants since I’ve added a couple of features people may find useful. Of particular interest are:. This is used when you want to control the service using Windows commands such as ‘sc’. This allows you to configure the service to use clustering and other profile options.

Valid values are ‘auto’ and ‘manual’ respectively. Thank u sbeaver it works! I am not able to locate below mentioned directory on my installed Jboss 6. English: Jboss 7. Home Content Places Search Cancel. Error: You don’t have JavaScript enabled. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled.

Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. Please enter a title. You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. Inside the bin directory i dont see any service. This content has been marked as final. Show 10 replies. Leonardo, welcome to the forums! Leonardo Berti wrote: Inside the bin directory i dont see any service. Cannot see the bugzilla discussion, it’s asking to log into bugzilla first I need to add EAP 6.

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Navanga Wanigatunga wrote: Cannot see the bugzilla discussion, it’s asking to log into bugzilla first Read through the comments for an answer to your original question. Your instructions are what i was looking for. Thank u so much for your help. For Jboss 7. After that you must edit the service. Two guide: English: Jboss 7. Go to original post.