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Getting The Perfect Pitch – Discover How To Get The Perfect Pitch For Your Camping Trip

Getting The Perfect Pitch – Discover How To Get The Perfect Pitch For Your Camping Trip

No matter what campsite you choose to stay at, you will need to think long and hard about what kind of pitch to choose. To be fair you do not always have the opportunity to choose a pitch, on large campsites at the height of the season you will simply be show to your pitch for your stay. Nevertheless you have the control in which way to pitch your tent i.e. do you pitch it to the north or the south.

In smaller sites out of season generally you can choose where to pitch your tent. You need to consider which way the wind will blow, believe me you do not want to pitch right in front of oncoming winds all the time, imagine trying to do your cooling in that. Look if the pitch is on a slope, this is very important as if the ground is soft and you are on a slope; if it rains you could find your tent getting some severe subsidence.

Do not pitch underneath trees; this can be tempting as it can look very idyllic. The reality is the ground is harder nearer a tree due to tree roots so it can be difficult to insert your tent pegs. Trees also attract lightening, and drip sap and leaves. In all I think it wise to keep away from them. The only exception I would say and depending on the time of year, but if it is not a very sheltered site then pitching underneath a tree will give you some shade.

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It can be a good idea to pitch near any fences or walls as they can protect you from any winds. Whenever you settle on your pitch, check it carefully for twigs, leaves, rubbish and spiky plants or weeds. You do not want anything untoward piercing your groundsheet.

Do not be afraid to ask for advice from fellow campers or the steward on site. Sometimes it can be a bit of an overwhelming experience especially if you have just pulled up with your family and the kids are constantly complaining. You don’t want to be walking around the campsite for an hour looking for the ideal pitch and then spending a further fifteen minutes deciding which direction to pitch it. Campers are a helpful bunch and that’s what the campsite staff are there for, so they can easily point you in the right direction.