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Windirstat download windows 10 64 bit. WinDirStat for Windows

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Latest version: 1. Please verify your download afterwards. The hashes of the setup file are: MD5: 3abf1ce25d4efbf37cbf and SHA1: 6fa92dd2cac11dfbfc0aea7fab. You can use File Checksum Integrity Verifier from Microsoft to verify the file hashes the link describes how to use it to check file hashes. In general that means you are free to do whatever you like with the binary form mirror it, put it on media accompanying printed magazines and also use it inside your company free of charge.

You also need not notify us in any way, although we appreciate feedback. However, we’ll happily provide the paperwork, if needed. Server versions of Windows generally work as well, but aren’t always tested as well by us. Feel free to get in touch with us if you want to lend a hand :. If you want to link to this website or one of the resources, please use the following links. They point to the mirrors of SourceForge and are guaranteed to link to the current release always, whereas the actual links on the project page will change with each release:.

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Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the following companies and organizations in alphabetical order for supporting WinDirStat:. WinDirStat is Open Source software. Page last updated: Z. Download WinDirStat 1. Alternative download locations can be found below. Source code repositories: SourceForge primary or Bitbucket secondary. For source code in. Feel free to get in touch with us if you want to lend a hand : List of official download mirrors FossHub SourceForge Triple Canonical links If you want to link to this website or one of the resources, please use the following links.

They point to the mirrors of SourceForge and are guaranteed to link to the current release always, whereas the actual links on the project page will change with each release: Website: windirstat. WinDirStat Subreddit: windirstat. Blog: blog. Bitbucket team page: windirstat. Send me pull requests, open issues or help create and improve Wiki pages. There is also a Wiki and an issue tracker there to report errors, feature requests or generally any issues you may encounter when using WinDirStat.

Latest installer currently version 1. Lastest source code release currently version 1. FossHub www. SourceForge sourceforge. Triple IT www.



WinDirStat – Windows Directory Statistics


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Windirstat download windows 10 64 bit

MacX YouTube Downloader. In addition to this, WinDirStat is portable. You can view the files to ensure that you do not delete important items. Clipboard Master. It also offers a tree view, a detailed list view, and a pie chart for an even more comprehensive analysis. Pros: Easy to understand what you are looking at. Full Specifications.